Relieve Stress! 5 Tips That Mums Can Use To Relax

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If you also feel constantly stressed, don’t worry: you are in good company. Most mothers these days feel under constant stress. Relaxation tips are worth their weight in gold. Here are 5 simple yet effective anti-stress hacks for moms.

A majority of moms these days would probably describe themselves as stressed out. Most of them also wonder how their own mothers did it.

One thing our moms haven’t had to grapple with yet is social media. There is hardly anything that can put us under such pressure as the constant flood of images of perfect mothers with their perfect bodies on the Internet. The fact that we have to be constantly available can also expose us to great stress. After all, most of us also have several jobs: mom, housekeeper, and a part-time or full-time job. This can bring every mom to the limits of her resilience. If you are already at this point or fear that you are heading towards it, it is high time to act!

1. Find out what is causing you stress

Sometimes we are not even aware of which situations trigger stress reactions in us. Of course, you can only reduce your stress if you know what is causing it. Sometimes it can help if you pay attention to typical signs of stress in yourself. These can be forgetfulness, irritability, impatience, excessive tiredness, or an increased heart rate. Sometimes you recognize such situations or tasks by the fact that you would never like to do them.

So if you notice one or more of these signs in yourself, you have found a situation that is causing you excessive stress. This can be the afternoon homework routine, preparing dinner, or trying to keep the house clean.


It is important that you are honest with yourself. If there is a situation that is causing your stress levels to skyrocket, it is an issue that needs to be addressed. So it’s best to write down every situation or task that burdens you. You can then use this list to look for solutions.

Even if you initially believe that there is no solution, for example, because you cannot afford household help, it is sometimes worth brainstorming. Maybe you can shovel some budget into your budget for a babysitter in the neighborhood who will keep your children busy for 2 to 3 hours on Saturday afternoons so that you can tidy up in peace. Or you can find an offer for homework supervision from your community. You will be surprised how many solutions you can find just because you stop telling yourself that there is no solution.

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