Mother Nature is a wonderful woman. She gives air, sunshine, water, and land and only asks us to respect her and take care of her offerings. She also silently requires us to cater and tolerate her whims. I understand the deal. It’s a dance we’ve been doing since the beginning of time.
However, right now, Mama Nature has one-upped us and I just can’t sit here in silence a moment longer. Every year, right about now, I get giddy with excitement over the season’s first California cherries. Yes, I know that in just a bit I’ll be able to indulge my cravings in Pacific Northwest cherries (which are always utterly fantastic) but seeing the first little crimson splash of a California cherry lets me know that a long, wonderful summer is on the way.
Well, folks, those cherries are here. And you’ll need to rob a bank to enjoy them.
My produce guy informed me that cherries are here but cost a pretty penny due to a variety of factors. They’ve never been cheap, but when they cost $15.99 a pound one is more inclined to wait just a few weeks to see what happens. I’ll hit the farmer’s market in Santa Monica this weekend to get some more info, and if all else fails I know there will be new arrivals in the next few weeks. In the meantime, I bit the bullet and indulged this week and in order to compensate for the cash spent I’m available for laundry, dog walking, and dance lessons. I do a mean electric slide.
Easy Cherries Jubilee
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As much as I love cherries I’m not particularly gung-ho about cherry desserts. And I won’t even touch the stuff out of a can. However, I do love ice cream. And fresh cherries. This is my easy take on Cherries Jubilee and is simple and quick. I omit the arrowroot and cornstarch found in other recipes as I don’t mind it not so thick. It never lasts too long anyway.
- 2 cups of fresh pitted cherries
- 1/2 cup of sugar
- 1 pint of vanilla ice cream
- 1/2 cup Cognac
Using a non-stick pan, cook pitted cherries and sugar over medium heat for 8-9 minutes or until sugar dissolves, stirring frequently. In a small pan, heat the cognac. Once heated, light and pour the flaming cognac into the cherry mixture in the skillet. Spoon flaming cherries with their syrup over the vanilla ice cream in four dessert bowls. Work fast and please use caution when igniting the cognac.