Easy Banana Recipes: Learn How to Make a Banana and Pecan Loaf

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All good recipes are passed on through the family by word of mouth or scribbled down on a now-well-worn piece of paper. I have watched my mother make this banana loaf, many times. My mother prefers to use walnuts while I prefer to use pecans – it’s just a matter of taste and either of these nuts tastes just as good! This is also a great banana recipe for left-over or very ripe bananas. The loaf keeps very moist and it tastes great sliced and spread with butter or jam! It can be used in picnics, school or work lunch boxes. Or simply as a snack. Here’s how to make a banana and pecan loaf:

Ingredients for the Banana and Pecan Loaf

  • 8oz – 225g plain flour
  • 2 level teaspoons of baking powder
  • 4oz – 110g caster sugar
  • 1 large egg beaten
  • 3oz – 75g soft butter or margarine
  • 4 medium bananas peel and mashed
  • Grated rind of one medium lemon
  • Grated rind of one medium orange
  • 2oz – 50g pecans, chopped roughly

How to Make the Banana and Pecan Loaf

Grease and line a 3 ½ x 7 ½ inch loaf tin.
Put the butter or margarine, sugar and beaten egg into a large bowl.
Next, sift the baking powder and flour into the bowl.
Using an electric or hand whisk, mix the ingredients in the bowl until they are well combined. At this point the mixture may seem dry, don’t worry this is how it should look.
Then add the orange and lemon rind along with the mashed bananas and pecans.
Whisk all the ingredients thoroughly and then pour into the greased and lined loaf tin.
Level the top of the loaf mix and bake on the middle shelf of a preheated oven at 180C, 350F or gas mark 4, for 50 to 55 minutes.
The banana and pecan loaf is ready when it is golden, well risen and springs back when pressed with a finger.
Leave to cool in a loaf tin for about 15 minutes. Then loosen around the edges of the loaf and turn out on to a cooling tray until cooled to room temperature.
If you or your family suffer from a nut allergy, or you don’t like nuts, you can omit the pecans from this recipe. You could try using dates or sultanas instead. I have used sultanas instead of pecans in this banana loaf and it tastes just as good.

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