DIY Flour Tortillas

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You may think that making your own tortillas is difficult and not worth your time, but trust me this is one recipe you don’t want to pass up. The dough is mixed up in a food processor so your hands do none of that work. The most labor-intensive part is rolling out the dough balls, which maybe took us about a half-hour to roll them out and for Blair to cook them. We let ours cool down and we ended up freezing them for use in the recipe I am sharing on Friday. I am officially a convert to homemade tortillas, I hope you see the light and make them too! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Flour Tortillas

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Yield: 12 tortillas


  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 heaping tsp salt
  • 5 Tbsp shortening, lard, softened butter, or olive oil
  • 3/4 cup warm water


In a food processor fitted with the dough blade, pulse the flour, baking powder, and salt a few times. Add in your choice of fat and process until the mixture is crumbly. With the food processor running, slowly stream in the warm water, just until the ingredients come together to form and ball and start clearing the sides. You may need to use more or less than 3/4 of a cup. I added in a bit more than the recipe called for. Continue running the food processor to knead the dough for about 3o seconds. The dough should clear the sides and not be too sticky.

Dust a surface lightly with flour and divide the dough into golf-ball sizer portions–I measured mine out on a kitchen scale to about 2 oz. each. Cover the balls with a kitchen towel and let rest for 10 minutes. After resting, heat a large, dry saute pan over medium-high heat. With your rolling pin, roll the balls into thin rounds, dusting the tops as needed with flour to prevent sticking.

Lay the tortilla in the heated pan cook on each side for about 20 seconds, small bubbles should form and the tortilla will become brown. Keep covered with a kitchen towel to keep warm. If freezing, allow to cool and then transfer to a freezer-safe bag.

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