The 9 Best Bathing Tips For Your Wellness Home

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It’s gray, cold, and uncomfortable outside. The dark season makes the body and soul to create. How about a little break now? One that really relaxes you? A cozy, warm bathroom is just the thing. With great additives that have an invigorating or balancing effect and a few tips, bathing becomes sheer joy. And the best: Stress, tension, and tiredness stay in the water and you feel like a newborn afterward.

1. Citrus scent lifts the mood

Cloudy weather and stress can quickly hit your mind. Fruity citrus aromas dispel the little mood lows and immediately give you new energy. For a revitalizing good-mood bath, mix 4–5 drops of lemon or orange oil with one liter of whole milk and pour into the tub.
Extra tip: Fresh lemon or orange peel in the water increases the wellness effect.

2. Herbs prevent colds

In the cold season, there is nothing better than a spruce needle bath. It is a tried and tested home remedy for respiratory diseases. To do this, the essential oil of the spruce needle is mixed with a little honey. It unfolds its effect when dissolved in water. The rising steam goes directly into the respiratory tract, making it easier to cough up and inhibiting the formation of germs.
Extra tip: Afterwards you should wrap yourself up warm and lie in bed or on the couch. Then everything can have an effect and the body can come to rest.

3. Caring for dry skin

Since almost everyone suffers from dry skin in winter, cream and oil baths are now the ideal bath companions. Olive, jojoba, or argan oil products are true masters of care and pamper the skin while bathing.
Extra tip: After bathing, just pat the skin lightly dry so that the moisturizing oil film on the skin is not rubbed away immediately.

4. Milk & honey for velvet skin

Milk and honey form the dream duo for skin that is soft to the touch. And in winter they use their active ingredients to the full: milk pampers dry skin with moisture and moisturizing ingredients. With its enzymes, honey stimulates skin renewal and soothes inflammation. This is how it works: stir 10 tablespoons of honey into 2 liters of whole milk, heat the mixture so that the honey dissolves. Don’t cook – that would destroy the natural honey enzymes! Put in bathwater.
Extra tip: Use buttermilk for extremely dry skin.

5. Sea salt & algae for a tight silhouette

Sea salt and algae extracts are considered to tighten the skin. The reason: They withdraw water from the connective tissue – metabolism and blood circulation are stimulated. With the sea bath additive, which is rich in minerals and trace elements, the protective acid mantle of the skin regenerates faster. Simply dissolve 500 g of salt in warm water. Alternative: algae bath powder from the health food store.
Extra tip: plan a rest period of at least 20 minutes after a salt or algae bath to stabilize the circulation.

6. Chamomile for skin irritation

Chamomile works as a balm for reddened, itchy, and irritated skin: the α-bisabolol contained in essential chamomile oil brings the skin into balance. It has an antibacterial and calming effect. This is how it works: Mix 1 teaspoon chamomile extract (pharmacy) with 50 ml jojoba oil, then distribute in the bathwater.
Extra tip: is there still chamomile tea? Then scald 5 tea bags with 100 ml of hot water, let it steep for 10 minutes and pour the brew into the bathtub.

7. Rose petals against stress

Rose essential oil is particularly helpful in switching off after a hectic day. The gentle scent calms the mind. This is how it works: Mix 5 drops of rose oil in a mug of cream, add to warm bathwater.
Extra tip: Subdued light or a few rose petals in the water create a luxury atmosphere.

8. Golden tub rules

No matter how good it is and you would like to stay in the tub for a long time, you should not do this for more than 20 minutes. On the one hand, you get very tired because your blood pressure drops, and on the other hand, the water attacks the skin’s natural protective film over time. If the water is too hot, it will draw moisture from the skin. A water temperature between 36 and 38 degrees is ideal. If you have dry skin, you should rely on oily additives, the tensides contained in foam baths can have a drying effect. In order not to over-care for the skin, dermatologists advise not to get into the tub more than twice a week.

9. Beauty tricks – how to savor everything properly!

A few beauty tricks turn the bathroom into a personal wellness event!

Steam and heat stimulate blood circulation in the skin and open the pores. Face masks can now channel active substances deep into the skin. Note the short exposure time for hair masks!
Brush massage just like in a spa: the bristles are particularly gentle in the bathtub and the flakes come off easily. Alternatively, apply a body scrub before bathing and wash off the remains in the tub.
Wait briefly before applying the cream to the skin until the first heat has dissipated. Creams with almond oil (fat) or urea (moisture) are perfect. Drink a lot (tea, water) after the bath – and relax!

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