Relieve Stress! 5 Tips That Mums Can Use To Relax

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4. Let your kids play alone

A lot of mothers constantly struggle with a guilty conscience. They feel bad about playing too little with their children. So they do it, but the budget falls by the wayside. Then they clean up but cannot play with their children. It’s a vicious circle and something always stays where it is. And that’s not bad at all.

First of all, it is not the end of the world if the house looks chaotic. After all, life is sometimes chaotic. And secondly, it’s not only not bad, it’s even good when children play alone sometimes. It is important that you learn to do your own thing. It encourages their creativity, makes them more independent, and helps them to feel good even when they are alone.


It also brings out their calm side in them. Just as it usually makes children more alert when they play outside, it makes them calmer when they play alone. These rest phases during the day are also important for healthy and balanced child development – and for a relaxed mom.

Especially at the beginning, when you try to establish independent play, the children will always ask Mama’s attention. So it can be helpful if mom is in the same room. It is therefore advisable for younger children to set up a play area in the room where mom has something to do.

So if you want to cook in peace, this play area should be in the kitchen. Ideally, you should furnish them with toys that go with what mom is doing. So if your play area is in the office, it could be painting stuff. There would be a toy kitchen in the kitchen. In any case, it is important that the toys encourage imaginative play. So they must be playable several times.

Depending on the age of the child, it can be very helpful if the toys in the play area are interactive. Role plays only become interesting for children from around the age of three.

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