Be Careful Mom! 5 Signs You Are Stressed Too Much

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5. You don’t even know who you are anymore

At the end of the hustle and bustle, there is often the sad realization that you have neglected yourself so much over the years that you have lost yourself in the process. Suddenly you don’t know what to add to a conversation if it’s not about children. Or you don’t know what to do with yourself when you finally have a free minute. What did you actually like before life consisted of work, housework, and children?


This is how you escape the stress trap

So that things don’t get that far in the first place or get better again, a few things should urgently change. Life is far too good to rush from A to B under stress. Since it is not so easy as a mom to reduce stress and find ways to relax, we have put together a few tips for you:

>>Let Stress Go! 5 Tips That Mums Can Also Use To Relax<<

And always remember: We adults are role models for our children. If we show them that not only is it important to take care of others but that it is just as important to take care of themselves, then they will learn something very important for their lives.

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